2nd of July, 2002
ビール、ビール、ビール − その1
Beer, Beer and Beer - Part 1
Dedicated to a friend of mine, Roseanne, who loves beer.
Various kinds of beer are sold in the supermarket. 500ml cans and 300ml bottles are the main containers. It is difficult to find 350ml can like Japan.ノルウェーではビールは非常に高く、1缶で400円ぐらいするのだが、隣のスウェーデンまで行くと1缶で70円〜100円ぐらいである。私はもちろんスウェーデンへ買いに行っている。
In Norway, beer is so expensive, and its price is 400 Yen. But, in the next country, Sweden, the price is from 70 yen to 100 yen a can. Of course, I buy beer in Sweden.それでは、ここで少し紹介しよう。
Here, I will introduce some.
The left one, BORG is often sold in the supermarket in Halden. It might be local beer.
Alcoholicity of beer is mainly 2.8%, some are 3.5%.
おや? これは!
Oh? It's !
だ、だ、大魔王ビール? (内輪ネタである。ご容赦いただきたい)
F, F, FALCON Beer? (I have a friend whose name is 'FALCON')
おおっ! EXTRAもある!
Ooops! It's EXTRA!
In addition, there is a small can!
大魔王ビール三兄弟! なんか恐い(笑)
Three brothers of FALCON beer! It's scary (laugh).