E34ミーティング in 台湾 − 台湾のMr.Kさんより
E34 meeting in Taiwan - From Mr.K
On the 27th of November, a big E34 meeting was held in Taiwan. I'll introduce it. The report of the meeting was sent by Mr.K.
As shown in the picture, lots of E34 joined the meeting. The number was 43.
In Japan, we also had a big E34 meeting held in Tirolean Forest in Nagano prefecture, September 2002. I heard that the number of E34 joined the meeting was 118. At that time, DD was staying in Norway and I could not joined it, unfortunately.
どこにでも、こんなことをする バカ 面白いヤツがいるんだなぁ・・・(笑)。
There arecrazyinteresting guys doing like this everywhere in the world... :-).
This is a Mr.K's car. You can see the cars joined the meeting at this website.台湾では来年、もっと大規模なE34ミーティングを企画しているようである。参加台数118台を越えて、世界記録を作って欲しいものだ。
In Taiwan, they are planning a bigger E34 meeting next year. I hope they get over our record.なお、これに関してMr.Kより下記の写真の問い合わせがきている。
By the way, I got questions about the picture below from Mr.K.
Q1. このエンブレムは入手可能か?
Q1 Can I get this emblem? How?Q2. このエンブレムには著作権があるか? 同様のエンブレムを作成してもいいのか?
Q2 Does anyone have a copyright of the emblem? Can I make the similar emblem by myself?何か情報をお持ちであれば、DD's Privateの掲示板まで書き込んで欲しい。
If you have any information, please give it at the BBS of DD's Private