; PIC12C509
; One-Touch Open/Close Window Rev. 0.1
; Programmed by DD
; Greatly Supported by S.IWANO
; Data Format
; +---------------+
; | | |O|O|X|X|I|I| GPIO I:Input O:Output X:Don't Use
; +---------------+
; Input Data
; GPO => Open Switch
; GP1 => Close Switch
; Output Data
; GP4 => Open Signal
; GP5 => Close Signal
; Function
; (1)Press open button and release it within 0.1-0.4 sec
; to open passenger's window automatically.
; (2)Press close button and release it within 0.1-0.4 sec
; to close passenger's window automatically.
; (3)Press open button again when automatically opening the window
; to stop opening it.
; (4)Press close button again when automatically closing the window
; to stop closing it.
list p=pic12C509A
include "p12c509a.inc"
; Configuration Code = 0xFFEA
; When burning PIC, the following configuration is necessary
; Code Protection(CP) is OFF
; Watch Dog Timer(WDT) is OFF
; Clock is Internal RC Oscillator
cblock 0x08 ;Store variables above control registers
timecnt ;Time Counter
wcnt1 ;Wait Counter1 (For 25ms Wait)
wcnt2 ;Wait Counter2 (For 25ms Wait)
org 0x00 ;Start of Code Space
; Start Program (& Wake up from Sleep)
START movlw b'00001011' ;GP5,4,2:Output GP3,1,0:Input
tris 6
;Set GPIO Input/Output
movlw b'11000000'
;Wakeup Disable
movlw b'00000000'
movwf GPIO
; State 1
State1 btfss GPIO,0 ;If GP0=0 (Press Open Button),
goto State2
; go to State2
btfss GPIO,1
;If GP1=0 (Press Close Button),
goto State5
; go to State5
goto State1
; State 2
State2 clrf timecnt ;Set timecnt=0
St2lp call wait25ms ;Wait 25ms
incf timecnt,1
;Increment timecnt
btfsc GPIO,0
;if GP0=1 (Release Open Button),
goto St2TimeCheck ; go to St2TimeCheck
goto St2lp
;go to St2lp
movlw d'4'
subwf timecnt,0
;timecnt-4 => W
btfss STATUS,C
;if timecnt<4,
goto State1
; go to State1
movlw d'15'
subwf timecnt,0
;timecnt-15 => W
btfsc STATUS,C
;if timecnt>=15,
goto State1
; go to State1
; State 3
State3 bsf GPIO,4
;Set GP4=1 (Turn on Open Signal)
movlw d'240'
movwf timecnt
;timecnt=240 (6sec)
St3lp btfss GPIO,0 ;If GP0=0 (Press Open Button),
goto St3St4
; go to St3St4
btfss GPIO,1
;If GP1=0 (Press Close Button),
goto St3St5
; go to St3St5
call wait25ms
;Wait 25ms
decfsz timecnt,F
;Decrement timecnt
goto St3lp
;if less than 5sec, continue
bcf GPIO,4
;Set GP4=0 (Turn off Open Signal)
goto State1
;Go to State1
St3St4 bcf GPIO,4
;Set GP4=0 (Turn off Open Signal)
goto State4
;Go to State4
St3St5 bcf GPIO,4
;Set GP4=0 (Turn off Open Signal)
goto State5
;Go to State5
; State 4
State4 btfsc GPIO,0 ;If GP0=1 (Release Open Button),
goto State1
; go to State1
goto State4
; State 5
State5 clrf timecnt ;Set timecnt=0
St5lp call wait25ms ;Wait 25ms
incf timecnt,1
;Increment timecnt
btfsc GPIO,1
;if GP1=1 (Release Close Button),
goto St5TimeCheck ; go to St5TimeCheck
goto St5lp
;go to St5lp
movlw d'4'
subwf timecnt,0
;timecnt-4 => W
btfss STATUS,C
;if timecnt<4,
goto State1
; go to State1
movlw d'15'
subwf timecnt,0
;timecnt-15 => W
btfsc STATUS,C
;if timecnt>=15,
goto State1
; go to State1
; State 6
State6 bsf GPIO,5
;Set GP5=1 (Turn on Close Signal)
movlw d'240'
movwf timecnt
;timecnt=240 (6sec)
St6lp btfss GPIO,1 ;If GP1=0 (Press Close Button),
goto St6St7
; go to St6St7
btfss GPIO,0
;If GP0=0 (Press Open Button),
goto St6St2
; go to St2St2
call wait25ms
;Wait 25ms
decfsz timecnt,F
;Decrement timecnt
goto St6lp
;if less than 5sec, continue
bcf GPIO,5
;Set GP5=0 (Turn off Close Signal)
goto State1
;Go to State1
St6St7 bcf GPIO,5
;Set GP5=0 (Turn off Close Signal)
goto State7
;Go to State4
St6St2 bcf GPIO,5
;Set GP5=0 (Turn off Close Signal)
goto State2
;Go to State2
; State 7
State7 btfsc GPIO,1 ;If GP1=1 (Release Close Button),
goto State1
; go to State1
goto State7
; Wait for 25ms
movlw d'32'
movwf wcnt2
waitlp2 clrf wcnt1
waitlp1 decfsz wcnt1,F
goto waitlp1
decfsz wcnt2,F
goto waitlp2
retlw 0